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My BLoG =) ........(if the scroll bar doesn't work, resize the window)

Tuesday, June 28, 2005 at 10:06 PM

A WonDERFul Day!!!

Went to East Coast for a picnic with fiddy today... wearing the same shorts by coincidence (again).. making us seem like one of those eee couples who dress EXACTLY the same... (similar colour is okay...)

What a spread we had by the beach!... Fiddy brought burger buns, hotdog buns, scrambled eggs, sausages, canned tuna, lettuce, tomatoes, honey water and BROWNIES!!... yum yum yum. Me? I brought japanese jelly "konyaku".. banana flavoured.. and Apple Aloe Vera drink... hehe... so lousy compared to Fiddy huh. Aiya... I'm no cook compared to her. (See the previous cooking blog) Anyway.... with all the delicious ingredients that she brought (which apparently made her dad jealous... which doesn't mean a good thing for me heh)... we made really fantastic burgers and hotdogs.... they were soOoo yummy!! --->

However, there were a couple of bueh-paiseh flies that tried to be lamp-posts and join our picnic. Quite irritating...

Well.... after our meal we basically juz pulled our mat outta the sun and into the shade and just enjoyed the scenery... taking a couple of pictures and stuff... (below)

So we juz laze around like some old man and old woman for a while and let all that yummy food digest in our little tummies... (big tummy for mine) before we packed everything up and put them back in the car so tt we could be hands-free for our next cool activity......


which didn't lasted for even more than 15 mins despite how cool we both looked...

coz we can't roller blade tt well yet... haha.
But I guess we'll be able to do so soon... hopefully before we have wrinkles.

Nevertheless, we had fun for tt 15 mins... so we went back to the aunty and traded those slippery blades and smelly guards (believe me those cool looking buggers stink... yeckz) for a pair of bikes.

Yepz. Yepz.

So we basically cycle around East Coast snappin' pictures.

There was this one time when we got off our bikes to take pictures... my bike got notty and tried to attack fiddy's bike.. what a pervert. Lucky me and Fiddy were there to stop them before anything serious happened.

As we were making our way back to return the bikes to Aunty... we saw WINNIE THE POOH! Can you believe it!!!

Apparently.... Winnie the Pooh turned out to be a fire hydrant haha. But ain't it the cutest prettiest fire hydrant you've ever seen??

<---- LOOK!!! It's the POOH Hydrant... see if u guys/gals can find it when u go to East Coast =) So after a whole day of fun... we go back home. The End... and now I have a FEVER.
"yay" -_-'' What a way to end the day. haha

Friday, June 24, 2005 at 1:37 AM


Too bad i don't have any pictures...
but today is the day that I have had my first haircut from FiDDY (n her mom).
It looks really good.... and it feels really good. No more helmet-head for me.

It's the best haircut i've ever had =) coz it's a haircut from my darling.
I also got a nice loving hair wash~~ mMm... I feel so loved.

I wanna thank FiDDy for my hAirCut.
Thank you deaR.
I wanna thank God for FiDDy.
Thank you GOD. =)

Yay. booYa.

at 1:16 AM

Finally.. a moment of Peace n Rest

You noe sometimes... life just flips upside down and you're left picking up the pieces for a while (and also unable to BloG for a few days), trying to fix everything around you and even inside you. You're left lost and unsure, suddenly everything that you thought you knew, or that stable peace that you thought you finally found is just ripped away and gone, leaving you to wonder what in the world is going on?

You see people around you, trying to find who they are, trying to search for peace, love, friendship, acceptance among the rubble of hurtful words, misunderstandings, anger and tears.

You pray... at first a self-seeking prayer. A prayer for help. A prayer to lift our burdens behind our disguise and mask of smiles and assuming joy.... and then we slowly look past ourselves... our friends... we look past the world. We pray... at first a self-seeking prayer... but in the end a God seeking prayer. A prayer to help. A prayer to share the burdens of others... then the light shines in.

Finally, right now, a moment of peace for my tired heart and soul, hopefully to stay. A period of trials and testing, a seemingly never-ending journey of piercing emotional turmoil for many of us... but by prayer and Love, we overcome the Devil's attacks. We are brothers and sisters, who just happen to be friends in this world, we've got to stand together, and protect each other.

Emmanuel - Our God is with us.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005 at 1:55 PM

Juz another entry...

Went down to Orchard with Fiddy yesterday for a photoshoot for
some magazine in our University... it's nothing big... juz some project
for one of the students in our university. Took us about 10 mins and we
were done..

We put like 3 hours worth of parking tickets... imagine 6 parking
tickets on the dashboard of the car... haha shd haf taken a picture.

We roamed Orchard for stuff to eat... but we didn't have any cravings.
We realized how sad life would be if we didn't have any cravings for food.
We finally settled on some KFC... there's this new meal for $8.95... comes
with 2 burgers, 2 pieces of chicken, 2 mashed potatoes and 2 drinks.
Not too bad huh!

After tt, we just strolled around from place to place for about 2 hrs when I
found this strange looking lamp on the ground. Being the inquisitive me I
always am.... I gave it a rub and some smoke started to appear from its
spout. I was pleasantly suprised when this weird looking genie appeared.
Luckily... I was fast enuff to take picture of it with my trusty camera.
But tt was the last I saw of it.

Do contact me if you've seen this pretty-weird pretty-looking genie around.


Monday, June 06, 2005 at 3:58 PM

A cuTe moviE my SiS Sent mE

Press the "Play" BuTTOn!

If tt doesn't work... u can see the movie at this site~!

Wednesday, June 01, 2005 at 3:20 AM

The HoRRid NiTe before CamP~

Today... was a rather accomplished day.. I did some research on a scholarship I was interested in and filled
in all the paperwork for it... let's see if I get it. Doubt it tho... we'll see. God's plan.

Then I spent about 4 to 5 hours planning and arranging the sessions for worship songs for the upcoming Youth Camp... who would have thought planning songs
would be so tiring. With each song... couldn't resist the temptation to just strum out each song on the guitar and praise God... maybe dat's why it took so long.. and
probably why it got so tiring. But I had to get the feel of what each song would sound like, and had to transpose some of the songs to another key. But at least, finally completed it.

The night.... the night was horrid. It began around 10pm...
after watching X-men cartoon wif my bro.
I was feeling so lousy... didn't want to go for the camp the next day. Gotta wake up at 6am!! just to reach school by 745am.... gRRrr...Then, I became so stressed over packing my irritating bag....and could not decide whether to bring the big sleeping bag coz I didn't want to lug it around during the Amazing Race event of our camp....

To make matters worse, and dig my own grave as usual... I ended up venting my stress on my poor innocent darling... and we almost had a tiff.
*hey love's not a bed of roses u noe*
But I was glad tt things between us worked out fine.
(Darling... thank you for standing by me when I needed u most)

Just look.... LOOK at wat a horrid state my packing was...

But finally... I meticulously analyzed the schedule and events and slowly planned what I needed for the camp. I know camps are supposed to be fun and u just dump a couple
of clothes into your bag... but for some quirky reason... I can't do dat. I just keep getting the feelin' dat I've forgotten something. I dumped everything out and repacked.

Finally I got it packed. As for my sleeping bag... I decided to bring it... I sat down for a while... looked around my room... saw my belt and used it to to strap it onto my sack. Perfect... now I don't have to lug it around. Wish I had another belt so Fiddy could strap hers.... anyways... I'll try to strap hers onto mine if I have to... or I'll just carry hers if she finds it tiring. =)

Wish I didn't have to carry tt toot Coleman Tumbler around tho...
*but GLs muz carry around for their team blah blah....*

...after~ (finally) -_-

Anyway, through this traumatizing packing experience...
I finally discovered one thing new about myself.
I'm a man who really hates being unprepared... not to mention get stressed (to tears) too. Even in my Army days... I'm always the last to finish packing, and always end up
having the biggest bag... but always the most prepared for any circumstance.Which reminds me... I gotta bring some plasters in case Fiddy gets grazed or sumthin.

I wonder if my stress is a good or bad thing...
Is this called being kiasu or just being prepared?
I don't know.. but I'm glad I'm done packing.

Yay... it's 3:30am. I gotta wake up at 6... life's fantastic huh?
Gnite.. n Thank God I sorted out my thoughts.
I better hit the sack.